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الصفحة الرئيسية » 2017 at 03:28PM

Category Archives: 2017 at 03:28PM

OIC Summit Stresses Rejection of US Decision on Jerusalem

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addressed Muslim leaders on Wednesday stressing that a US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a crime which showed that Washington can no longer be an honest broker in Middle East peace talks.

During an emergency meeting of Muslim leaders in Turkey, Abbas said President Donald Trump was giving Jerusalem away as if it were an American city.

“Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Palestine,” he said, adding Trump’s decision was “the greatest crime” and a flagrant violation of international law.

Wednesday’s summit was hoste http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

غارديان: لعبة السياسة والقتال لم تنته بسوريا

بدعمه دكتاتورا يجوع شعبه ويذبحه حصد بوتين الخراب بسوريا كما حصل في قواعد عسكرية، وأعاد روسيا للشرق الأوسط لكن بإسالة دماء كثيرة لا تزال تسيل، وعلى سبيل المثال بالغوطة الشرقية.

IRGC Prioritized in Iran’s State Budget

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani presented the draft budget for the fiscal year 2018-19 to the parliament on Sunday, defending it in an hour-long speech.

The budget showed allocations to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were three times that of the army. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

13 Killed after South Korean Fishing Boat Collides with Another Vessel

At least 13 people were killed on Sunday when a South Korean fishing boat collided with a refueling vessel, the coast guard said.

The collision caused the boat, to capsize, it added.

Seven people were rescued, while two remain unaccounted for, including the captain, stated an official from the Korea Coast Guard.

He explained that 22 people were aboard the 9.8-ton fishing boat that capsized after colliding with the 336-ton refueling vessel in waters off the port city of Incheon.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity, citing office rules. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

حماس ترفض أي نقاش حول سلاحها

أعلنت حركة حماس (الاثنين) أنها لن تسمح بأي نقاش حول سلاحها، وذلك قبل أيام من الموعد المحدد لتسلم السلطة الفلسطينية كامل قطاع غزة، بموجب اتفاق المصالحة بين حركتي فتح وحماس.
وقال نائب رئيس حماس في قطاع غزة خليل الحية في مؤتمر صحافي عقده في غزة إن «سلاح المقاومة خط أحمر وغير قابل للنقاش، هذا السلاح سينتقل للضفة الغربية لمقارعة الاحتلال، من حقنا أن نقاوم الاحتلال حتى ينتهي». وأضاف: «هذا السلاح شرفنا وعزتنا، هذا السلاح خط أحمر»، مشيرا إلى أن لا الولايات المتحدة ولا غيرها قادر على إلغائه». http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

Palestinian Reconciliation Sessions Conclude, Avoid Thorny Files

Palestinian factions left Cairo on Thursday, after concluding a session of reconciliation talks with a joint statement on the need to hold general elections by the end of 2018.

In a statement issued on Thursday, Palestinian factions avoided addressing the thorny issues impeding the implementation of the reconciliation agreement, such as controlling security in the Gaza Strip or removing the punitive measures imposed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Hamas.

Fatah and Hamas signed the reconciliation agreement on October 12, when the Palestinian Authority took over ministries and http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

Saudi Arabia Continues Efforts to Stabilize Market, Reduces December Oil Exports

Saudi Arabia continues its efforts to stabilize market balance as rapidly as possible, through supporting the current production-cut agreement between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and countries outside.

Saudi Arabia announced on Friday a new round of cuts in oil exports.

More so, Reuters and Bloomberg cited on Thursday spokesman for the energy ministry saying that the Kingdom plans to cut crude exports by 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) in December from November.

Crude exports to the United States will be more than 10 percent lower than November levels, he said http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

Israeli Right Parties Want to Lower Electoral Threshold to 2%

Likud officials, ruling party in Israel, have voiced their desire to lower the electoral threshold back to 2 percent, only three years after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised it to its current 3.25 percent.

Spokespersons of parties, such as Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu, were clear that the real reason behind their proposal is to increase the number of far-right deputies and decrease representatives of the Arab members of the “Joint List”, thereby limiting their influence in political life.

In 2015, Israeli Knesset passed a law suggested by head of Yisrael Beiteinu, current Defense Mi http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

كردستان العراق يؤجل الانتخابات الرئاسية والبرلمانية ثمانية أشهر

أعلن برلمان إقليم كردستان العراق اليوم الثلاثاء تأجيل الانتخابات الرئاسية والبرلمانية ثمانية أشهر بعدما كانت مقررة في الأول من نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني) المقبل.
وصدر القرار بعدما قالت اللجنة الانتخابية في إقليم كردستان العراق أمس (الاثنين) إن الأحزاب السياسية لم تقدم مرشحين للانتخابات وسط اضطرابات في المنطقة بعد استفتاء على الاستقلال أجراه الإقليم في 25 سبتمبر (أيلول) الماضي.
. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

غارة إسرائيلية تستهدف بطارية دفاع جوي قرب دمشق

قال الجيش الإسرائيلي إن طائراته قصفت بطارية للدفاعات الجوية السورية في موقع رمضان شرق العاصمة دمشق اليوم الاثنين بعدما استهدفت هذه البطارية طائرات إسرائيلية حسب رواية تل أبيب.