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Category Archives: 2017 at 03:31PM

11947 جريمة وانتهاكاً خلال ثلاثة أعوام ارتكبتها ميليشيا الحوثي في ذمار

كشفت تقارير حقوقية وفرق رصد ميدانية عن انتهاكات جسيمة ارتكبتها ميليشيا الحوثي الانقلابية في محافظة ذمار خلال ثلاث سنوات، أي منذ سيطرتها على المحافظة في أكتوبر (تشرين الأول) 2014 وحتى نهاية ديسمبر (كانون الأول) 2017م. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

Netanyahu Tells Trump: We’re Profoundly Grateful

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the US embassy to the city as a “historic event.”

The Israeli army announced a state of alert in Jerusalem and the West Bank to counter expected angry Palestinian reactions to the resolution.

Netanyahu published a pre-taped video that was broadcast right after Trump had finished speaking, suggesting that the Israeli leader was closely familiar with Trump’s speech content.

“This is a historic day,” the Israeli PM said. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

بيان علماء السعودية عن القدس لا يشير لقرار ترمب

أصدرت هيئة كبار العلماء في السعودية بيانا أمس بشأن القدس، خلا من أي ذكر للرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترمب وقراره الاعتراف بالقدس عاصمة لإسرائيل ونقل السفارة الأميركية إليها.

مغردون يحملون السعودية مسؤولية ما يجري لـ#القدس

عزا مغردون اعتراف الرئيس الأميركي بالقدس عاصمة لإسرائيل إلى الضعف العربي والتبعية وتخاذل مصر والإمارات والسعودية، ودورهم الكبير في تسهيل ومساعدة ترمب على اتخاذ ذلك القرار.

المشنوق: نزع سلاح حزب الله غير مطروح

قال وزير الداخلية اللبناني إنه لم يطرح أحد مسألة نزع سلاح حزب الله في لبنان، موضحا أن المطروح هو الاستراتيجية الدفاعية الوطنية التي يمكن أن يكون لسلاح الحزب دور فيها.

A Smarter Minimum Wage

EGGS over easy, home fries, bacon and toast. It’s $9.99 at Tops Diner in Newark but $5.79 at Pop’s Diner near Oklahoma City. If the same meal in two parts of the country has such a different price, should America have a single national minimum wage?

As recently as three years ago, Democrats led by President Barack Obama had settled on pushing a national minimum wage increase to $10.10, up from $7.25, which was set in 2009. Since then, a movement working on behalf of low-wage workers has pushed for a $15 national minimum wage in what is known as the Fight for $15. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

Ballistic Missile Targeting Riyadh Intercepted from Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces intercepted a ballistic missile from Yemen in northeastern Riyadh on Saturday night. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

NATO Calls North Korea ‘Global Threat’

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg called North Korea a “global threat” Monday and said he backed tighter sanctions against Pyongyang.

“We are as concerned as you are about the provocative, reckless behavior from North Korea,” Stoltenberg said in a speech to a group of security experts and defense officials during a visit to Tokyo.

“It is really dangerous, it poses a direct threat to countries in this region (including) Japan, but it is also a global threat,” he added.

Stoltenberg is in Tokyo to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other senior officials including Defense Minister Itsunori Ono http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

US Airstrikes Kill 17 ISIS Militants in Libya

Cairo – US Africa Command (Africom) said in a statement that strikes on Friday targeted an ISIS camp southeast of Sirte, killing 17 ISIS militants and destroying three of their vehicles.

However, Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) didn’t comment on the statement.

The command headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, issued the statement saying that in coordination with GNA and aligned forces, US forces conducted six precision airstrikes in Libya against an ISIS camp on Friday, September 22, killing 17 ISIS militants and destroying three vehicles.

The statement explained that the ca http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com

WHO: Over 600,000 Infected by Cholera in Yemen

Over 600,000 people are suffering from cholera in Yemen, announced the World Health Organization and Yemeni health ministry on Tuesday.

They revealed that the outbreak has infected 612,703 people and killed 2,048 since it began in April, and some districts are still reporting sharp rises in new cases.

The overall spread of the epidemic has slowed in the past two months, with the daily number of new suspected cases cut to around 3,000 in recent days.

However the epidemic, the most explosive on record in terms of its rapid spread, has continually confounded expectations. http://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 https://aawsat.com