وكالة اخبار بلاد الشام

الصفحة الرئيسية » 2018 at 08:10AM

Category Archives: 2018 at 08:10AM

UN Calls for Myanmar Generals to be Tried for ‘Genocide’

UN investigators called Monday for Myanmar’s army chief to resign and for him and five other top military commanders to be prosecuted in an international court for genocide against the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority.

A UN-backed fact-finding mission into violations in Myanmar said the country’s “top military generals, including Commander-in-Chief Senior-General Min Aung Hlaing, must be investigated and prosecuted for genocide in the north of Rakhine State.”

They should also be investigated and prosecuted for “crimes against humanity and war crimes” against the Rohingya in Rakhine, as https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Hariri: No Cabinet if Normalization with Syria is Imposed on Us

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri has revealed that there was no progress in his attempts to come up with a government line-up, describing the stalemate as a purely “Lebanese failure” away from foreign interference, and stressing that any attempt to condition the normalization of relations with Syria would further hinder the cabinet formation process.

In a discussion with journalists before chairing the weekly meeting of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc at the Center House in Beirut on Tuesday, Hariri said: “We are a country with economic problems, surrounded by regional crises. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

ترمب يباغت روحاني بعرض لقاء مباشر

باغت الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترمب الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني بإعلانه أنه مستعد للقاء القادة الإيرانيين «من دون شروط مسبقة» و«في أي وقت يريدون».
وقال ترمب في مؤتمر صحافي مع رئيس الوزراء الإيطالي جوزيبي كونتي في البيت الأبيض أمس: «سألتقي الإيرانيين إذا أرادوا. لا أعلم ما إذا كانوا مستعدين لذلك». وأضاف: «لا شروط مسبقة. إذا أرادوا أن نلتقي سألتقيهم في أي وقت يريدون». وتابع: «سألتقي مع أي شخص. أنا مؤمن بالاجتماعات، خصوصاً في الحالات التي يكون فيها خطر الحرب قائماً». https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Saudi Arabia Suspends Oil Exports Through Bab al-Mandeb

Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said on Thursday that Saudi Arabia was “temporarily halting” all oil shipments through the strategic Red Sea shipping lane of Bab al-Mandeb.

Falih said in a statement sent by his ministry that the Houthi insurgents in Yemen had attacked two Saudi Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) in the Red Sea on Wednesday morning, one of which sustained minimal damage.

“Saudi Arabia is temporarily halting all oil shipments through Bab al-Mandeb Strait immediately until the situation becomes clearer and the maritime transit through Bab al-Mandeb is safe,” the statement sa https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

WhatsApp Launches New Feature to Label Forwarded Messages

In an attempt to boost the transparency of the conversation, a new feature added by WhatsApp allows users to know if the message they received was sent by the sender himself or if other users just forwarded it.

The Facebook-owned social networking company said the app would show a clear sign next to the message that a user sent it back to other users after receiving it, according to the German news agency.

By distinguishing messages that have been forwarded, WhatsApp aims to make it easier for users to see whether the message was sent by the sender or someone else passed it.

To use th https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Woman Who Scaled Statue of Liberty Arrested

A woman was arrested Wednesday after staging a dramatic protest against President Donald Trump’s separation of migrant children from parents, climbing the Statue of Liberty in New York and forcing its evacuation on Independence Day.

Wearing a “Rise and Resist” T-shirt, the woman on the fabled symbol of welcome to immigrants at one point told authorities that she would only come down when parents are reunited with all migrant children separated from them.

“She resisted at the beginning. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

ميسي ورونالدو خارج المونديال

ودع أفضل لاعبين في العالم ليونيل ميسي وكريستيانو رونالدو مونديال روسيا 2018 بعد سقوط منتخبيهما الأرجنتيني والبرتغالي أمام فرنسا والأوروغواي (4-3 و2-1) على التوالي أمس في أول مباراتين بثمن النهائي.
وفي ليلة أبدع فيها الفرنسي الشاب كيليان مبابي ليقود فرنسا لانتصار مثير برباعية سجل منها هدفين وتسبب في الثالث.
وهكذا خفت بريق النجمين ميسي ورونالدو ولم يفلحا في انقاذ منتخبي الأرجنتين والبرتغال لتثار الشكوك حول قدرتيهما على الظهور مجدداً في بطولات كأس العالم المقبلة. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

احتدام معركة «الكتلة الأكبر» في العراق

احتدمت في العراق معركة تشكيل الكتلة البرلمانية الأكبر التي ستتولى تشكيل الحكومة المقبلة في ضوء نتائج الانتخابات التي جرت في 12 الجاري، وأعلنت نتائجها النهائية فجر أمس، وأكدت مجيء تحالف «سائرون» بزعامة مقتدى الصدر في المرتبة الأولى، يليه تحالف «الفتح» الحشدي، ثم تحالف «النصر» بزعامة رئيس الوزراء حيدر العبادي.
وأصبحت منطقة الحنانة في مدينة النجف، حيث مقر الصدر، مقصداً لقادة التحالفات التي خاضت الانتخابات لكسب رجل الدين الشيعي الذي قلب التوازنات بفوزه بـ54 مقعداً. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Why Zuckerberg Won the Facebook Hearings

Mark Zuckerberg did just fine in his first turn in the Congressional hot seat. He was confident. He capably tackled many of the queries proposed last week by Bloomberg columnists. The 33-year-old billionaire appeared humble throughout much of the hearing, with only a few smug smiles. 

The best news for Facebook Inc. the company was that Zuckerberg ably deflected any challenges to the beating heart of its economic model: its hungry data collection and the fine-tuned targeted advertising based on that data. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Why Zuckerberg Won the Facebook Hearings

Mark Zuckerberg did just fine in his first turn in the Congressional hot seat. He was confident. He capably tackled many of the queries proposed last week by Bloomberg columnists. The 33-year-old billionaire appeared humble throughout much of the hearing, with only a few smug smiles. 

The best news for Facebook Inc. the company was that Zuckerberg ably deflected any challenges to the beating heart of its economic model: its hungry data collection and the fine-tuned targeted advertising based on that data. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx