وكالة اخبار بلاد الشام

الصفحة الرئيسية » 2018 at 08:30AM

Category Archives: 2018 at 08:30AM

Yoga Music before Bed to Prevent Heart Attacks

Listening to yoga music before bed could prevent deadly heart attacks, new research suggests. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Khater to Appear for Hearing at the Old Bailey End of August

Sudanese-born British national Salih Khater, who faces charges of attempted murder for crashing his car into the security barriers surrounding Britain’s Houses of Parliament, appeared in court Monday to confirm his name, date of birth and address. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

مهاتير في الصين وفي جعبته ما يقلقها

وصل رئيس الوزراء الماليزي مهاتير محمد إلى بكين في أول زيارة له منذ توليه منصبه، وتأتي الزيارة بناء على دعوة من نظيره الصيني لإجراء محادثات بشأن مشاريع البنية التحتية.

Islands Disappear as Earth Loses its Sand

Burj Khalifa sparkles under the sun of Dubai desert. The 828-meter-high tower, which was opened eight years ago, has become the highest on the planet. The construction required 330,000 cubic meters of concrete, which consists mostly of sand.

Alongside Burj Khalifa stand cranes stretching out in the sky to build new towers with other record heights. Construction is spread worldwide, not just in the United Arab Emirates.

The demand on sand and pebbles has alarmed experts. Concerns turned into reality in Jamaica, where a 400-meter beach disappeared overnight without a trace in 2008. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

‘Black Operations’ Prompt Renewed Calls to Revoke Qatar’s Right to Host 2022 World Cup

British media uncovered over the weekend new files, emails and documents that implicate Qatar in conspiring and running sabotage campaigns against rival bidders seeking to host the 2022 World Cup.

The Sunday Times said that Doha ran secret “black operations” against bidders to undermine their campaigns in clear violation of FIFA rules.

According to the documents, obtained from a whistleblower, Qatar paid major public relations companies and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents to wage a smear campaign against main bidders Australia and the United States.

The campaign involv https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Republicans, Democrats Slam Trump’s Stance on Russian Meddling in US Election

US President Donald Trump’s questioning on Monday of American intelligence conclusions that Russia had interfered in the 2016 presidential election sparked a wave of criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

Speaking at a summit with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Trump said he had been told by his CIA chief that Moscow was to blame, but he was not certain.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

واشنطن تحتفظ بالتنف لـ«مراقبة» خروج إيران

تجري اتصالات بين واشنطن وموسكو وتل أبيب لترتيب تفاهمات إزاء الملف السوري يتضمنها البيان المشترك بين الرئيسين دونالد ترمب وفلاديمير بوتين في هلسنكي في 16 يوليو (تموز) الحالي.
وقالت مصادر دبلوماسية غربية لـ«الشرق الأوسط» في لندن، إن أحد المقترحات هو «مقايضة الوجود الأميركي بما فيها قاعدة التنف شرق سوريا بالوجود الإيراني بما في ذلك القواعد العسكرية والميليشيات في كل سوريا»، مشيرة إلى رغبة واشنطن في الاحتفاظ بالقاعدة في زاوية الحدود السورية – العراقية – الأردنية لـ«مراقبة» تنفيذ إخراج إيران. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

Thousands of Families Flee Houthis in Hodeidah for Liberated Yemeni Regions

Thousands of Yemeni families managed to flee the Iran-backed Houthis in the city of Hodeidah for regions under the control of the legitimate government.

Aide at the Ministry of Local Administration and general coordinator of the Higher Relief Committee Jamal Balfaqih said that some 5,000 families fled Hodeidah to Aden, which is controlled by the legitimate government.

Some 100 have sought refuge in the Marib province and 200 in Hadramawt, he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

He explained that this displacement was prompted by the Houthis’ oppression of the people in Hodeidah, where they were usin https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

بلاغات كاذبة بقنابل تستهدف المونديال بروسيا

أعلنت الشرطة الروسية أنها تلقت تهديدات بقنابل تستهدف أماكن بإحدى المدن التي تستضيف مباريات بطولة كأس العالم لكرة القدم، لكنها لم تعثر على شيء منها.

أعمى وأصم ويتابع مباريات كأس العالم

في وقت يحبس فيه الناس أنفاسهم وهم يشاهدون مباريات كأس العالم بكل تفاصيلها، يحرص الكولومبي الأعمى والأصم خوسي ريتشارد على أن يواكب الحدث عن كثب ويستمتع بكل لحظاته.