وكالة اخبار بلاد الشام

الصفحة الرئيسية » 2018 at 09:44AM

Category Archives: 2018 at 09:44AM

“تهديدات إيرانية” تغلق القنصلية الأميركية بالبصرة

أعلنت الولايات المتحدة الأميركية إغلاق قنصليتها في البصرة، مُتحدثة عن تهديدات نسبتها إلى إيران، بعد احتجاجات دموية شهدتها المدينة الواقعة جنوبي العراق.

عباس: لا رغبة لدى حماس في المصالحة

أثنى الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس على جهود المصالحة الفلسطينية الجارية في مصر، لكنه قال إن النيات غير موجودة لدى حماس من أجل تحقيق المصالحة وإن هناك من يشجع ذلك.

US Warns EU from Ignoring Iran’s Sanctions, 50 Responsive Companies

In a step to increase pressures on the Iranian regime and pro-Iranian parties, the US administration warned European states from trading with Tehran to avoid being penalized by Washington.

Asharq Al-Awsat learned from reliable sources at the State Department that in the past three months, US officials held intense meetings at several European capitals where they expressed Washington’s position
from the sanctions.

“Officials stressed that the US will not hesitate to enforce penalties on all parties that ignore Washington’s warnings from dealing with the Iranian regime,” the sources said. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

How Facebook Went So Wrong So Fast

That’s what many of Facebook Inc.’s investors — and I — have spent the last 18 hours wondering. On Wednesday, the company posted disappointing figures for second-quarter revenue, user growth and profits. Executives also warned that Facebook’s rapid rate of revenue growth would become relatively pedestrian the rest of this year and that a surge of spending would drastically drag down profit margins for the next several years. During a conference call with stock analysts, nearly every word out of executives’ mouths was more alarming than the last.

The reaction was utter panic. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

A Natural End to the ‘Two-States’ Illusion

One has to say that the Israeli knesset’s passing of the new ‘Nationality Law’ defining Israel as a ‘Jewish state’, thus, turning the Arab minority into ‘second class citizens’, has been expected.

All signs, whether local, regional or global, have without exception been pointing in that direction. Even the well-chosen diplomatic jargon that appeared in the ‘Balfour Declaration’, albeit proved eventually meaningless, today appears nothing but quite a bad joke. https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

معتصمو المهرة يطلبون المؤازرة من حكومة اليمن

طالب مجلس تنسيق المكونات السياسية والاجتماعية والشبابية بمحافظة المَهرة (جنوب شرق اليمن) الحكومة اليمنية بالتفاعل مع مطالب المعتصمين الذين ينادون بالحفاظ على السيادة الوطنية في المحافظة.

US, Italy Condemn Attack on Libya’s Oil Region

The United States and Italy condemned on Saturday the attack on Libya’s oil facilities in the east of the country.

Libya’s National Oil Company (NOC) confirmed that Harouge Oil Operations storage facility number 12 in Ras Lanuf was severely damaged in an armed attack.

NOC blamed Ibrahim al-Jadhran, leader of a group opposed to Libyan National Army commander Khlifa Haftar, for the attack.

Fighters on Thursday attacked two oil terminals at Ras Lanuf and al-Sidra held by Haftar’s group, inflicting fresh disruption on an industry that forms the chaos-hit country’s economic backbone.

Ja https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx

اجتماع مكة.. الأردن لن يدفع هذا الثمن

تنظر أوساط رسمية وشعبية بمزيج من التفاؤل والحذر لاجتماع مكة الذي دعت له السعودية بحضور الأردن والكويت والإمارات، وسط تأكيدات أن عمان لن تسدد فواتير إقليمية كانت سببا بأزمتها الراهنة.

الديانات الثلاث في “إفطار الإخوة” بتونس

نظم ناشطو المجتمع المدني في جزيرة جربة جنوب شرقي تونس السبت إفطار جماعيا لأبناء الديانات الإسلامية واليهودية والمسيحية, تحت عنوان “إفطار الإخوة”، حيث اجتمع قرابة 150 شخصا بينهم تونسيون وسياح.

Mexico Hits Back at US with Trade Tariffs

Mexico put tariffs on American products ranging from steel to pork and bourbon on Tuesday, retaliating against the Trump administration’s levies on steel and aluminum.

The announcement of tariffs ranging from 15 percent to 25 percent came as the future of the Nafta trade agreement came under fresh attack from the White House.

Mexico’s response further raises trade tensions between the two countries and adds a new complication to efforts to renegotiate the trillion-dollar North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

American pork producers, for who https://ift.tt/1p5TKH4 http://bit.ly/2DOz6Vx